Hi, I am Jakob

I’m a 23-year-old Web Developer and Data Analyst from Germany. I build Full Stack Websites and SaaS Web-Applications based on NextJS for over 5 years. Initially, I taught myself how to code by watching Tutorials on YouTube. Today I have deepened my knowledge in recognized jobs in the industry. I am also expanding my knowledge in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning.

Tech Stack

Find out more details about my experience and how my tech stack is made up. I am constantly trying to expand my knowledge in these areas, as well as learning new topics.

Web Applications & SaaS

NextJS allows me to develop modern web applications where the front and back end harmonize perfectly. My backend data management is based on PostgreSQL with Drizzle.

Desktop Applications

I build desktop applications with Tauri because it allows me to use modern web frameworks in the frontend and Rust in the backend for maximum performance.

Data analysis

I use Oracle databases, Java and SAS analytics to process large amounts of data. Thus i use Grafana to visualize the data.


I work with TypeScript in all frameworks to guarantee maximum type safety.

Artificial intelligence

In my university studies, I am expanding my knowledge of artificial intelligence, machine learning and Deep Learning


Learn more about my story, education and jobs

September 2024 - March 2028

University studies in applied artificial intelligence

In addition to my work, I am studying Applied Artificial Intelligence (B.Sc.) at the FOM University of Applied Sciences for Ecology and Management.

August 2023 - Today

Job as a Data analyst & Web-Developer

After my apprenticeship, I joined Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG as a data analyst and web developer. At the company, I work with Big Data and maintain the development of a web application for visualizing data.

August 2020 - August 2023

Apprenticeship as an IT specialist for system integration

In August 2020, I started my apprenticeship as an IT specialist for system integration at Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG (a large financial IT service provider in Germany) and mmbbs Hanover. I completed the apprenticeship in August 2023.

Early 2020

High School Diploma (A-Level)

I completed my vocational baccalaureate in Hanover, Germany.


Internship at edv.de

I completed a school internship at edv.de, where I first learned how to work with Javascript in a corporate environment.


Internship at NDR Hanover

I completed a school internship at NDR Hanover (Television), where I got to know the server infrastructure of a company for the first time.

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